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AutoCAD Map 3D 2022
Price: $999.95 Available: 50+

Current version supports:




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AutoCAD Map 3D 2022 is a software that combines CAD and GIS for managing, analyzing, querying and displaying information about industry models and for publishing the required data selection in paper and electronic form in DWG and SDF formats, as well as others supported by the program (including ESRI Shapfile, ArcInfo, ArcSDE, Microstation DGN, Open GIS GML, MapInfo MIF/MID, TAB, SQLite).

Using Map 3D is most appropriate for specialists in public utilities (electricity, gas, water supply), environmental and emergency services, oil and gas industry and agriculture, and others. Using complex models of gas and electricity supply systems, water supply and sanitation, it is possible to systematize information about objects, subordinating it to industry standards and business requirements.

Features of AutoCAD Map 3D 2022

Geographic coordinate systems

You can choose from over 4,000 world coordinate systems, or create your own. Functions such as linear and non-linear transformations, as well as coordinate tracking will make it easy to bind design data prepared in AutoCAD.

Direct access to data

Direct data access in Map 3D is implemented using Feature Data Object (FDO) technology. This technology is open source and provides work with geospatial data in a variety of formats. The program allows you to work with aerial and satellite images, including ECW formats, georeferenced TIFF files, has access to WMS and WFS mapping services on the Internet. Direct access is carried out without data transformation, which guarantees their integrity.

Data exchange

AutoCAD Map 3D interacts with many common CAD and GIS. You can read, save and transform data in standard CAD and GIS formats. Data obtained from other programs can be saved in a DWG file, converted and written to another file, or transferred to a geospatial database.

Automated data correction

Drawing and digitizing errors are corrected using automated commands. This is how duplicate objects are removed, and shortcomings and hanging objects are corrected. The data can then be freely used in GIS and mapping programs.

Queries in DWG files

Using the query mechanism, multiple users can access, view, edit, and search the same DWG files and maps at the same time. Queries allow you to get information about the file components: quantity, types, data and object classes, symbol tables. You can change object properties defined in CAD, such as layer, color, linetype, and lineweight.

Editing cartographic data in CAD

Data accessed using FDO technology can be edited with common AutoCAD commands such as PEDIT, CUT, BREAK, JOIN, SIMILARITY, EXTEND, ROTATE, MOVE. They can also be copied and pasted through the clipboard. There are new split and merge functions for editing polygon features.


Classification arranges drawing objects according to their real prototypes (roads, sections, cables, pipes, etc.). When an object is created using this function, it automatically takes on the properties and values of its class. At the same time, integrity and compliance are ensured for both existing and newly created data.

Coordinate geometry (KG)

The coordinate geometry commands are designed to accurately place and create components obtained by traditional land surveying methods. The construction of natural relief surfaces is carried out using a variety of coordinate geometry methods: "Room and Distance", "Azimuth and Distance", "Angle and Distance", "Angle of Rotation and Distance", "Orthogonality and Offset", "Room and Rumb", " Distance and Distance" and "Reverse Report".

Topographic survey

AutoCAD Map 3D commands allow you to collect data in various formats and build maps based on them. AutoCAD Map 3D provides organization, management and effective use of the data obtained during surveying.

Create Stylized Maps

You can easily get stylized maps that provide visual information about service areas, division into districts, types of land use, age of pipelines and their diameters, and more. There are functions that generate legends from text labels along curves with values taken from attributes, as well as stitching curves and segments together. The transparency property allows you to create smooth transitions, and the styles used can be saved and applied in subsequent projects.

Analysis Tools

Map analysis tools help solve many of the problems associated with data processing and decision making. You can establish links between vector and tabular data, create thematic maps, generate topologies, prepare reports, buffer and search for the best path, etc. AutoCAD Map 3D's built-in mapping features provide easy visualization for projects and maps.

Surfaces and 3D visualization

The program allows you to analyze large amounts of topographic information. Information about elevations, slopes and directions is extracted from them, horizontal lines are formed, the shading of some areas of the terrain by others is determined. There are functions for combining topographic data, aerial photographs and vector geometry. The result of their application is photorealistic 3D images that can be published in 3D DWF format for viewing in the free Autodesk Design Review software.

Database integration

AutoCAD Map 3D has support for interacting with databases. CAD objects can be easily added to popular databases such as Microsoft Access, as well as relational databases such as Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL, and can also be connected to databases managed from ESRI ArcSDE.

Creating and editing metadata

The return on your investment in spatial data is guaranteed through tools for creating and editing metadata (the who, what, when, where, why, and how). Metadata is published in standard formats, including ISO 19115, ISO 19139, and FGDC. Automatic metadata generation makes it easy to share data with other professionals both inside and outside the organization.

Industry tool kits

Toolkits for AutoCAD Map 3D help improve productivity and introduce data standardization among engineers working on water, sewer, and electrical projects. This feature is only available to members of the subscription program.

You can purchase AutoCAD Map 3D 2022 at a low price from procadeng.com to organize information about objects, subjecting it to industry standards and business requirements, using complex models of gas and electricity supply, water supply and sewerage systems. You can also order other licensed software at great discounts on our website.

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